Monday 6 August 2012


At camp as counselors occasionally we get put in a group to help supervise trips that kids sign up for before coming. Unluckily I didn't get to go on the New York trips to see any shows instead I got placed on the tubing trip. When I mentioned this everyone reassured me telling me it would be a great relaxing day and told me how much fun it would be.
We got there and they hadn't blow up the tubes so we were waiting around for a bit then we got on the river. It started pretty nice, chilled all just floating, then it got a bit dull. Tubing is basically lying on a rubber ring (although with a bottom piece so no hole in the middle) and floating, that is it. After the first bit as it was dull the counselors (me and two others) made an executive decision to hold onto each others handles so we could float together. We had a bit of a chat and sunbathed.
Lunch time came and we stopped off for some overly fried chicken, potato salad I didn't even touch and watermelon. Then it started thundering but they decided it wasn't so bad and we could continue, after a short while it started to rain... then it started to pour (bear in mind it is still storming at this point and there was fork lightning). They decide to stop us but we were not allowed to get out of the water all together because then we would be under tree's which would be too dangerous. It's chaos kid's are screaming we're trying to find out what we are actually doing, then the rain lightens up and they tell us we're off again but now we must paddle. Tubing rings do not come with paddles and so it was time to use what god gave us, our arms. A lazy day turned into an arm workout more intense than swimming, the river felt like it would never end, we could have probably walked faster than we paddled. The best part was probably near the end when me and one of the other counselors were at the front and decided to string ourselves together again (when the storm hit we all had to separate) and we reached the slightly rapidy bit. It wasn't a bad trip but it was exausting I felt horrendous afterwards and it was my night off afterwards which I was so glad of but it did mean I spent my penultimate night off feeling pretty awful.

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