Friday 3 August 2012

And it's theme park time

Last session I went to Six Flags (theme park) and was in charge of a group of no roller coaster kids, which was good as I am not a thrill seeking adrenaline junkie (I get my kicks for cutting it close to deadlines and spontaneous decisions). What was bad about this is they didn't want to do the water park; before I go on I should probably tell you Six Flags consists of roller coasters, the water park and scattered kiddie rides. One of my kids decided even the carousel looked to scary (bear in mind I wasn't looking after the youngens but rising 9th graders (14yrds) so yes this was ridiculous); we eventually managed to persuade her to do the carousel but the tiny ferris wheel was too much for her and she refused. The day was spent wandering round I tried to keep up my spirits my kids were great it was just an unfortunate location so the first theme park trip was definitely not a great sucess.
The second trip was the other day to Hershey Park; no it is not a park made of chocolate I was disappointed (although not that much as I don't like Hershey's). My co and I (co-counselor in the bunk) both wanted no roller coaster groups... our kids wanted some roller coasters our unit leader put us together to make it better that we had a some group. This time the kids did want to go to the water park, however we started on the rides with me and my co waiting in the line then just skipping the ride and we waited together at the exit for the kids to come through. We got to the water park a little late and managed the log flume (which I did and did not enjoy), log flumes in America are more intense than any I have been on in England it took you up really high and we all wore our bathing suits as we just got soaked. The kids then went on a water slide however after the log flume dibacal I wasn't in the mood. We then decided just to pack everything in we'd rush over to chocolate world and do the chocolate ride. Going on the chocolate ride felt like I was in an Americanised Cadbury's world there were singing cows shiny things. To my surprise they skimped out on the chocolate front while at Cadbury's world I remember complaining about only getting three chocolate bars after the chocolate ride we got one tiny chocolate bar (not that I was that sad as hershy chocolate tastes like I just threw up in my mouth). The Hershey shop was impressive I must say it was huge and I had the most amazing chocolate peanut butter milkshake. It was an exhausting day. All in all I would recommend Hershey Park over Six Flags if you don't really like roller coasters. Now to bed as I really shouldn't have written this

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