Wednesday 22 August 2012

Walking in a postcard

It's about time I started documenting my after camp travels (even though I still have so much to say about camp, there is so much to say and so little time to write it). My first stop after the American's house was Washington, I arrived with a friend still stuck with this feeling that I wasn't really in the real world. The first night was spent wandering round taking everything in trying to find food, after asking for directions from a lovely doorman we eventually found a Safeway, not sure if it's the same chain that in England got turned into Morrisons (or in my friends case Waitrose) and then it was pasta for tea, something you just can't beat.
The next three days merge together in a haze of monuments, museams and window shopping. Walking round Washington felt like I was walking in a postcard I knew I was infront of these beautiful buildings but it didn't quite feel real. Also the White House was dissapointly small, I don't think I would have noticed it if it wern't for the crowd of tourists taking photos of it, Washington is full of huge beautiful building and in the face of those it just looked insignificant.
I was impressed by the Botanic gardens maybe because I didn't expect them, outside were comfy sofa like chairs and inside was a maze of greenouses filled with different exotic plant. Maybe I enjoyed it so much because of the connection with home and the gardens around where I live, whatever it was, it was beautiful I felt safe and it was a wonderful stop to each our PB&J sandwiches we had made for the day. I could write so much more about Washington and maybe I will but right now I need to pee really badly and start getting ready for my last day in Boston.

1 comment:

  1. my goodness only extroverts tell you they are going to pee......who are you? what have you done with my daughter?
