Wednesday 25 July 2012

Camp Everyday

I could go into the specific days and things we have done over the past few weeks but that would take too long and I can't really remember half of it, it seems like a lifetime away.
We start camp at around 8:00, flag and breakfast is at 8:30. It's strange before I came to camp I didn't realise that Americans actually do pledge allegiance to the flag every morning; at least they do at camp. It's a strange tradition to watch it doesn't really feel touching and patriotic more just something they do as part of their daily routine like brushing their teeth no one actually focus's on what they are doing. Also as this is a Jewish camp they raise the Israeli flag (although they don't pledge allegiance to it).
Breakfast is a strange time I have seen breakfast burrito's, stale bagels, cheap tasting waffles, pancakes (also tasting cheap) and scrambled eggs with things that they should not be with.
After breakfast it's time for the kids to do their chores (basically we use the kids to get the bunk clean, free labour). They also get ready for their first couple of activities.
In the morning there are 2 activity periods which for me are usually spent in Arts and Crafts where I teach kids to create a whole range of artsy things; wire rings, dream catchers, postcards, beads etc etc. I could go on but it isn't a very interesting list there is a limit to what children can do with arts and crafts. Sometimes (like this morning for instance) I am GC (general counselor) which basically means I travel about with the kids to their activity whatever it is, this morning we did mermaid training (swim instruction) and field one (SPUD and hula hooping which I suck at). I am basically there to help keep my kids in order and to participate and lead by example.
Then to lunch a wild buffet of things sometimes good sometimes not so good.
After lunch we get mail and then we have bunk time to chill and get ready for the evening.
In the afternoon there are three activity periods the same set up as the morning. I also get one free everyday (unless it's my day or night off but I will explain how that works) in which I can shower, use my phone, have a quick nap or go on the computers reply to messages and write a blog post. Most of the time I want to nap but feel like I should go on the computer and do things (like now I am at that moment where I am regretting not napping, is this even interesting anyone? I mean this is just my life now).
After the last activity we have snack time (this is the first year they are doing it so it's very exciting), usually they try and make it healthy with fruit or veg or they give us chex mix (salty shreddies and pretzels), we've also had ice pops and on international day we had disappointing scones and jam.
Then shower time, everyone gets about 2/3 minutes to shower there is a shower order to make it fair (counselors get to skip the line) as the last showers are usually cold I've heard.
After showers it's dinner time also can be hit and miss the difference is we have pudding after dinner which can also be hit and miss (dairy free brownies aren't that good). Then there is an evening activity which can be a show tonight we have campfire and the staff basketball game (no I am not a part of it even if I did know the rules I doubt I would be very good).
Lights out is at 9:45 they get 10 minutes of social flashlight time (they are allowed on other peoples beds) and 10 minutes of personal flashlight time (they have to be quiet on their own bed and they usually try and rebel against this one) then it's time for them to attempt to sleep. As there are three counselors we each have two nights where we are OD (on duty we supervise the kids after lights out) a week and one night where we have a staff meeting and the CIT's (counselors in training) come in and do it.
That's a normal day for me at camp it's long, there is more to explain but I need to go meet my kids it's time for 5th activity.

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