Wednesday 18 July 2012


When I say orientation that implies we got handed a good map and given a proper aim, this didn't really happen I felt like I had been dropped in the desert given a piece of paper coloured yellow and told to do whatever.
The first week there were no kids, we were told we would be super busy and on somedays they were even like 'the schedule today is similar to what it's like when the kids are here' (complete lie, there was nothing in orientation that was anything like when the kids got here there is nothing in life I can think of thats like that). We did learn some useful stuff, however they never properly prepared us; I suppose it's one of those things they can never really prepare you for, it's different from anything I know and anything I have ever done.
I don't really remember much from orientation, I was shoved in a room adjoined to an empty bunk with an American I didn't know. I remember surreal trips to Wallmart (a strange place), wandering round trying to figure out where I was (and where I was supposed to be), having a man blow on my fingertips for half an hour because he just couldn't seem to get my fingerprints to work (not a fun half hour), trying to figure out the rules, getting checked for lice (American camps take the lice threat seriously all the staff and all the kids got checked), getting to know people (and trying to get to know the right people), missing home, finishing books and confusion. And then the kids got here...

1 comment:

  1. 'super busy' are learning american quickly :-) and you didn't say...did you have lice? what would they have done if you did? would they have exported you? what did you do with the yellow piece of paper in the end? so many questions.....x
