Friday 27 July 2012

The Chocolate Problem

I had heard things... I didn't quite believe they were true, maybe I just didn't want to accept the truth, maybe I knew that it might put me off... at the end of the day you have to just admit the problem, American chocolate is horrible. Hersheys tastes like I just threw up in my mouth, their Dairy Milk is blasphemous, it's not even bad chocolate that has the essential chocolateness of chocolate, it's like someone had heard about chocolate and tried to imitate it without having heard anything about it and with limited supplies.
I admit America created the wonder that is Reese's pieces they do have some amazing pieces of 'candy' but England can do chocolate. I got some in the post and it was beautiful, it was like I had been wandering in a desert without water and I had reached the oasis. However now the water has run dry, I am left with nothing pining for the wetter days, wishing for rain. Staring a Hershys hoping it will suddenly transformed debating whether it is worth it to taste a bad imitation...

1 comment:

  1. excellent pathos Ros.....let's see if it worked....
