Friday 20 July 2012

Spiderman and witnessing a Glasgow kiss (headbutt)

Nights off feel like they are sent from the heavens here the chance to get out of camp to be somewhere where you can act however you like, you can take your phone out on a whim (which no longer feels right), also getting to see the real America. I could reminisce back to my first few nights off and maybe I will go back and write about those, but right now I am going to focus on a more recent time, yesterday night. I turned up at the White House (not the one in Washington the camp one I will have a post explaining camp things soon) bag in hand with no clue what I was going to do and I happened to meet two Americans (friends of mine) in the same position. We managed to neb onto a bus to a nearby town and then it was Panda Express time (Chinese but not really) I had orange chicken and chow mein. Those in the outside world do not realise how good real food is (I know this as I didn't), it really is true that you don't appreciate the things you have until they are no longer there. I miss real food, camp food is not real food, it has it's own separate existence. Sometimes it can be good, once in a while it tastes really good, but most of the time it's something that resembles a real meal. The pasta at camp swims in water, all of the time; they do not have strainers in the kitchen, I know this for a fact as I know people on the inside. Anyway the point was eating food outside camp is a luxury and I am certain I spend far too much money on food I eat on my days off.
After food we went to the cinema to see Spiderman and I realised I had forgotten how to act in the real world handing my ticket to the ticket man I almost couldn't handle it. The American cinema seats were so comfortable they reclined slightly naturally as well. Also the experience of watching a film in the cinema is something I have greatly missed I did miss the company of my Best Friend it felt weird being without her in the cinema.
The main incident, which is really my main reason for writing this post, happened on the way out of the screen. We kind of dragged a bit but when we came out the door some people had stopped. I wasn't sure what was going on until I saw this huge guy headbutt another guy right on the forehead and say "You talked through the entire movie I should get you to pay the $45 it cost me" and then headbutt him again. I didn't know what to do I don't think I have ever seen an act of violence so out of the blue like that, I felt so small town in that moment. I did the honorably thing and quickly backed into the screen until it was over (pretending I wanted to see the extra bit at the end). When we came out (one of the two Americans backed away with me the other, more hardcore one just walked straight passed) there were a couple of blood droplets on the floor leading to the bathroom.
After that we had a starbucks and returned to camp a good night all in all and something to blog about. Coming up things are changing around camp as turnover approaches (turnover= when all the first session campers leave we get a day to rest then the second sessioners decend).

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