Sunday 29 July 2012

Chips and M&M's on the White House porch

Before you get too excited I was referring to the camp White House which is different from the Presidents residence unfortunately. This evening due to the fact there was no shuttles we decided to go for a walk out of camp to a nearby petrol station (about half an hour away). It was a beautiful relaxing wander, we walked down the hill, past Chocolate Park (sadly not actually a park made of chocolate, a liquor store which doesn't serve chocolate, disappointingly, also is useless as I am not 21), over the railway tracks, past the deceiving BP sign (not actually a petrol station there just the sign), past some beautiful scenery until we finally reached the strange petrol station with it's own fast food counter. An M&M, Peace Tea and Reese's cups purchase later and we were on our way back.
Back at camp exhausted, hot and sweaty (not attractive but I'm showering soon so ahh well) we decided to cop a squat on the white house porch and to my delight a fellow trooper decided she didn't want the rest of her chips.
Since coming to America I have noticed their tendency towards strange combinations sometimes I agree with it sometimes I don't, I now understand PB&J (peanut butter and jelly [well jam to us British] sandwiches), Pretzel M&M are actually really nice, sweet potato chips (well fries I don't understand why they need to put brown sugar on them though), haven't quite decided how I feel about M&M's on pizza (mainly because I haven't tried it maybe later in my travels...). I had a couple of chips and I wasn't really feeling it, then I spied my M&M's and just thought why the hell not, and you know what, it was beautiful.
So there I was on the White house porch drinking Razzleberry Peace Tea (not real tea fake ice tea basically fruit drink) eating M&M's and chips and I could not help but think this is the life.

1 comment:

  1. oh dear....what are we going to have to deal with when you get back to the uk? jelly babies on toast? smartie and bacon buttie? you need me to send you some extra large clothes??
