Friday 20 July 2012

The children decend

Imagine the luggage you would take on holiday if you were going for a month, then double it, and just for luck double it again, thats the size of stuff some of the kids brought to camp, literally 4 times the amount I brought it my backpack and I am here for three times as long as them. Thats not including the amount of food they brought you'd of though camp didn't feed them. We got their luggage before we got them it came to our porch via a truck that delivered stuff all round camp (and we kept getting bunk 12's stuff instead of bunk 21's). I don't really remember meeting them all it was a haze of hello's and keeping your parent face on. There was also the classic British question then the question all Americans ask and I never know why "Where in England are you from?" It takes all my will power not to be sarcastic or reply with a a smart ass response, as there are very few Americans that actually know where anywhere in England is. I seriously got asked by my kids if I knew Annie from wales their previous counselor; I think that was too much for me to resist I told them we lived next door to each other. I have learnt that they may not have heard of Sheffield but the majority of Americans have heard of Manchester (because of the football team) they still have no idea of the geography of England though. I was trying to think of a way I could describe American 14 year olds and I just can't as they are all so different there is so much variation within my bunk but I got the luck of the draw the nicest bunk in Unit F and we have one of the funniest girls on camp who is also smart and genuinely nice too she 'keeps it real' so to speak.
One of the things I didn't expect was how crass they are about some things, I don't know what to say to some of the things they come out with and the amount of inappropriate music they listen to, I'm not sure I'll ever get Bees in the Trap out of my head and it is not a song I want up there ('biscuits say sheep and they ain't say nothing you other mother flubbers can't tell me nothing, bees in the trap bee bees in the trap').
Do you have a boyfriend? Do English people really say snogging? Have you snogged a boy? Have you stuck your tongue in a boys mouth? Have you ever had sex? Are you a lesbian? Have you ever snogged a girl? Have you ever touched a boy down there (in more crass terms)? Has a boy ever touched you down there?
That only taps into some of the questions they have asked me not replying just spurs them on more although answering would make it so much worse. They are genuinely lovely girls but sometimes they drive me insane.


  1. Their questions sound extremely appropriate to me. They are obviously deeply concerned for your moral welfare! I am going to have to listen to bees in the trap now just so I can imaging what junk your brain is filled with.
    How many suitcases of books did they bring with them, have you borrowed any and has teenage american fiction improved since those books that jane, pip's nanny, gave you??

  2. ps descend has an s in it....
