Friday 27 July 2012

Time off at camp

Camp is a wonderful place filled with exciting new things and genuinely lovely people, when you're at camp you don't remember ever not being, it feels nice, it feels like home... but just like home sometimes you just need to get the hell away from it. Leaving camp feels amazing, days off are like air conditioning on a hot day, in fact sometimes it literally is air conditioning on a hot day. Nights off are teasing, like a cool breeze, the slight feeling of being released before you're trapped again.
Camp time off works like so a day off gives you from 5:30pm one day to 5:30pm the next, 24 hours to wind down, a night off gives you from 5:30pm to 7:45am, 14 hours to wind down. You get a day off and a night off every week my night is Sunday night my day is Thursday to Friday not too shabby.
For Americans on their day off they can go home have real food sleep in their own bed and just chill. For Internationals it's slightly different if you make friends with the right people (Americans on your time off which I have yet to do) they will take you home and their mothers will treat you like you are their own child (or so I've heard). If you do not do this you can sleep in the bunk have your children wake you up when they get up feel like you haven't really got away, or you can sleep on a sofa in the counselors lounge if you get a good sofa you can have a blissful nights sleep possibly only woken up in the morning by other counselors waking up. If you sleep on one of the smaller sofa's it's still good to be away from the kids just not as comfortable, it's a question of how far you're willing to go for peace (to be fair I'd go pretty far the reclining chair is the only one I had trouble sleeping on).
Evenings on time off can be spent a majority of ways but it usually involves spending. You can go for a meal (so far I've done Applebees, a Chinese buffet, Chinese Panda, The Ott House, all good), go for a scenic trip to Wallmart maybe pick up something from Sheetz (a petrol station that is also a food place, it's weird) or if you're feeling like you really need a treat a trip to the cinema so far I have done that twice to see Spiderman and Batman, both amazing, while watching it you don't even remember what camp is.
On days off you have a limit to where you can go there is the Wallmart again if you're feeling wild, outlet shopping at two different places (yet more money just slipping away), a quaint historic town or cute little time with a tea shop and a nice Irish pub (we had lunch there, their bacon, cheese and chicken sandwich was amazing). If your on the right time off someone can drop you off in Washington if you get up at 5:30 however I have recently discovered I am on the wrong time off for that luxury which is a shame. I will just have to do Washington after camp I suppose.

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